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  • UGA Memorial

    This site was once home to a great army, the United Ghost Army. We had many great battles, and even beat WW in a PB O.O when we were just a medium army. Special thanks goes to all the leaders, Token29, Wiggle Nn, A Dawg4, Saiyaman Xc and Flipper7706. We have now merged to create GT, Golden Troops - the second largest army in Club Penguin. Thank you, for all the memories, and good luck to you in the future.
  • UGA Pages

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This join page was home to over 50 join comments, and many stayed active.  This was the first form you had to fill in, it was later changed to something more appropriate.

1. What is your Club Penguin name?

2. What armies are you in?

3. How old is your penguin?

4. Will you be active?

This was the second form you had to fill in and was much more modernized then the last…

1. What is your Club Penguin username?

2. Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army/ies?

3. If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?

4. Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?

5. How did you find out about our army?

New recruits usually headed to the UGA bootcamp, run by our very own 2ic, Kaisin. The link was;


Fill one out today!

119 Responses

  1. Forms should be filled out like so…

    1. Your penguin name: Flipper7706

    2. What armies are you in: Nachos, TAGP and UGA

    3. How old is your penguin: 1154 days old (As of 17th June 2009)

    4. Will you be active: YOU BET!

  2. A dawg, I was a 3ic in GV, how come im not on the ranks page?

    • ko dude ill add ya to the rank sand wen i get bak from gv site ill make ya an admin / editor


      tht comment is for everyone to read , hopefully everyone will read it :XD:



  4. plz plz add me to the ranks soon. and if ur going to make me an editor, i need to know password

  5. 1. Your penguin name:itunesgeek1
    2. What armies are you in:acp, eliteshadows. eacp
    3. How old is your penguin: 196
    4. Will you be active:yes

  6. 1)Cherry E
    2)None, Flipper Referred Me To The Army
    3)297 days old

    (This was done on my wordpress account (flipper7706) because she is my cousin and she was very interested in CP warfare and was round my house so i did here and then)

  7. Freddy257
    cpa acp krimzon army lbacp bacp ninjas nachos and im making my own army
    sir yes sir

  8. why cant i be an Admin?

    Kaisin’s Edit: U may be an author not a editor yet

  9. Ok, let me know if i can be one,

    and i was a 3ic in ghost vikings, shouldnt i be a third in command in this army?

  10. 1. Your penguin name: penbo
    2. What armies are you in:none
    3. How old is your penguin:1000
    4. Will you be active: yes

    • You ahve ben added to the ranks now please comment on the active post so we know your active!

  11. 1. Your penguin name: Rosy Cp

    2. What armies are you in: None that I know of

    3. How old is your penguin: over 200 days I think

    4. Will you be active: Most of the time

    I will come to the recruiting session

  12. very cool and can i
    join plz

  13. both of you , WELCOME TO THE UGA

  14. Dimensioned, erm aka Johnsay
    erm im pretty new to armies.
    50? i’m not sure
    ill be very active 🙂

  15. thanks , welcome to the uga! 🙂

  16. plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz make me a admin! im like the only guy above the owner line that isnt a admin.

  17. 1. Your penguin name:
    2. What armies are you in:
    3. How old is your penguin:
    4. Will you be active:

    • You will be added to the rranks shortly now please comment on the active post on the home page, like i have done, cuz i think you get taken off the ranks if you dont comment 😐

  18. googly6

  19. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    None (i came here cause i saw a whole bunch of penguins at the plaza going “search united ghost army and join”

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?HELL YEA U BET

  20. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?
    Rover bot
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    yes:nachos,black mafia and 7 other armies
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    nacho soldier,all the others i waz co leader
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    yes i promise i will not give up

  21. i waz also in acp my rank waz soldier


  23. 1)GOOGLY6

  24. 1) Bp98\
    2) yes IFA Nachos and ACP
    3) IFA leader ACP colonel and i quit nachos but i was a colonel
    4) yes sir

  25. 1. Penguin name: Cahi1

    2.Have you ever been in a clubpenguin army: no

    3.Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army,check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible: Sir Yes Sir

  26. 1: Cahi1

    2: No

    3: Yes

  27. hey mu name is nickkid102

  28. 1 nickkid102

    2 no

    3 yes

  29. 1 Name: Cahi1

    2 Armies: UGA

    3 How old: 363

    4 Will i be active:Yes

  30. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    yes the nachos and acp

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    i was a sergent in both but my name was 35tarheel

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    YES SIR!!!

  31. may i join?

  32. dont let me join and dont email me

  33. alex come on join

  34. cool sighn me up

  35. sign me up but dont email me

  36. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?
    Cesarey (my brother)
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    none (this is my first army)
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    first army
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    Yes. Ive been checking the site and finally decided to join along with my bro.

    Kaisin’s Edit: Wlecome to UGA! dude join boot camp u can get an awesome rank in a month and the first ten ppl to join get a better rank then everyone else when they graduate….. link here …. http://officialugabootcamp.wordpress.com/
    Oh and whos ur bro?

  37. join boot camp dude!

  38. What servers do we control?

  39. sweet! Alextp bro join boot camp (we font email u it will getcha a better rank in UGA when u graduate)it rocks plz join i even lead boot camp

  40. 1.penguin name:nickkid102

    2.have you been on any other club penguin armies:no

    3.Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?:yes

    plese i want the red team

    Kaisin’s Edit: Welcome! i will add u to ranks join boot camp…… *looks around for ppl watching self* http://officialugabootcamp.wordpress.com/

  41. ok i will join boot camp

  42. Alex and Nick join!
    alex chat if u can

  43. where is the boot camp at?

  44. just click the link alex ^

  45. XD

  46. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?
    asome dude08
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?fw:marshall dw:major
    cpp:governor,3rd in command,cpp: 1*genral,nachos:solider,nonmember army:pvt,acp/iw:recurit
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?


  47. welcom to the UGA !!!!

    I appproved the comment 😎

  49. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?-iglookid18
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?- UMA, Nachos,WW,ACP,Tan penguin army (small army)

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?- soldiers in all except the tan penguin army (I was the leader of it)

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?-(yes)

    5.) How did you find out about our army?- a friend on cp

    Kaisin’s Edit: Welcome to UGA! join boot camp so u can get a better rank! http://officialugabootcamp.wordpress.com/

  50. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? Bot 24
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? ACP

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? Corporal

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? Yes I will try!

    5.) How did you find out about our army? my bro told me about it

  51. 1. smileydpjh, but it got banned for a reason idk so i use cadence 10 now or smileydpjhh
    2. no but i’ve seen them all around cp
    4. Yes i will stay loyal and active to the united ghost army and i will check this website regularly and attend all the battles i possibly can.
    5. Alextp told me about it

  52. hmm

  53. We declare war on you. My website is http://secretsquad.wordpress.com/

  54. Nme: Charraze111
    Other armies: CPRA
    Rank: General
    I will

  55. Welcome check ur ranK!!!!!!!

  56. Nme:Dippeydooe
    other armies:cpra
    i will

  57. 1. What is youe Club Penguin user name? : DarkCisco97

    2. No,


    4. Yes, i promise to be Loyal, active, and attend all battles.

    5. You were requiting in the Town.

  58. name:dar10101
    have u been in other armies:yes
    iw bb acp
    iw:private bb:private acp:warrent officer
    i will be loyle and active
    i found out about this armie from cp

  59. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    Head Admiral,2nd leiutentent,,leiutentent,general

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    5.) How did you find out about our army?

  60. Everyone has been addaed to the ranks above this point. Welcome to UGA 😉

  61. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?Freddy257

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?acp nachos iw mgcp lbacp fw

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?sergeant,soldier,warrant officer,leader,co leader,toast

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?yes

    5.) How did you find out about our army?
    i was on acpp chat and hit something that brought me here

  62. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? Yellow364

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? Loads. UMA, Nachos, ACP, CPN, DPCP, DACP, Ghost Army, Ghost Army Boot Camp, Ghost Ninjas, Nerdbusters, Nuggets, CPP, RDOCP, NM.

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? Do I really Have to answer this question?

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? Umm…. Look at Question 2

    5.) How did you find out about our army? My . Double Told Me

  63. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? Coleblacker

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    yes Acp, cpeq, ninja warriors of clubpenguin, rpf, clubpenguin freed soilders.
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    acp:major cpeq: cammander ninja warriors of clubpenguin:3rd in cammand clubpenguin freed soilders: leader
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? yes!

    5.) How did you find out about our army?
    one of your freinds sites who wanted to merge with my friends army

  64. Hi this is leader of the CPFR im looking at ur site and when im done i will see if i will make my army merge with u or not

  65. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?yes nachos fw ww iw others

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?nachos:soldier_fw:toast…mit change soon_ww: major_iw:private_other(my old army thats long gone)head leader in charge basicaly

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    as much as possible
    5.) How did you find out about our army?flipper

  66. can i join

  67. 2426 lucky
    call me 🙂

  68. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?
    I have been in every army ogda900 has been in except for this army and black panthers+i have been in black dragons which was ogda900’s old army because im his sis and i was a 2nd in command in that

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    i have never been a soilder i have been genrals and 2nd incomand.

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    Deffanetly, i will be active because, ogda900 is my bro and hes giving me his computor so i can have it in my room. but he will still have his laptop.

    5.) How did you find out about our army?
    my bro told me about it.

  69. Leo776
    Flipper told meh

  70. What is your Club Penguin User name? happypappy70
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? fw (freedom warriors),cpgb, cprd

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? fw: grand gen, cbgb:idk i just joined yesterday,cprd:supreme gen aka owner

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? YES SIR!

    5.) How did you find out about our army? allies&enimeies page

  71. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? Kenni Tram
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? DT,WW,MW
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? Dt main leader (owner of army). WW general, MW i haven’t have a rank yet though…
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? Yes i will
    5.) How did you find out about our army? lol since I’m Saiya’s friend on xat i heard about his army (UGA).

  72. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? 111jb22

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? ACP

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? Major

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? Yes

    5.) How did you find out about our army? Its Saiyaman’s Home Page on chat

  73. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?dhfd

    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?IMAF (and id like to stay in it if thats ok)

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?
    brigader general
    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?
    i always do
    5.) How did you find out about our army?chat

  74. Welcome to UGA. I have added everyone above this point.

  75. can i join i already did but i left for vactaion and when i got back i was band forever

  76. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? topazhi
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?crystal army black panthers orange rebels
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? crystal lord (ca) lynx (bp) genaral (or)

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? sure

    5.) How did you find out about our army?

  77. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name? Zelmania
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army? Like 15.
    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army? I have been In way to much armies but my highest rank besides my army was Major.

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? Yes.

    5.) How did you find out about our army? Saiyaman Xc is my friend.

  78. 1.) What is your Club Penguin User name?Partygirl809
    2.) Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army?Yes,Nachos.

    3.) If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?Ranger

    4.) Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible?Yes

    5.) How did you find out about our army?Um,There was a link in a comment on nachoarmy.com

  79. 1. Your penguin name: Brandon3441

    2. What armies are you in: Ice Warriors, Hero Warriors

    3. How old is your penguin: 322 days old (as of October 5th 2009)

    4. Will you be active: Yes

  80. 1.Tuner777
    2.WW,CPEA,ACP,and cetera

  81. 1. Your penguin name: Iceberry089

    2. What armies are you in: Nachos, Tacos, ACP, WW, RPF, nCP, RACP, SW, FW, RCP

    3. How old is your penguin: About 500 days old

    4. Will you be active: Yes

  82. What Is Your Penguin Name:Llib103


    480 Days Old


  83. 1. Your penguin name:Cheeseman93

    2. What armies are you in:I was in acp and fgr

    3. How old is your penguin: 443 days old

    4. Will you be active: yes

  84. 1. Your penguin name: poppy62900

    2. What armies are you in: none

    3. How old is your penguin: 1154

    4. Will you be activ yes


  86. All the comments above were when UGA had once thrived in the Army communty, We have now merged. http://xat.com/thegt is our chat and http://gwarmy.com/ is our site. Help us become the largest army in Club Penguin! All the below comments will be memorial comments.

  87. 1 Dj devil 123
    2 I am in the golden army) tangerine army and Roman
    fire worriers
    3 I just started yesterday
    4 yes
    5 when I first find ninja armoured forces and I found you on allies/enemies.

  88. 1.R1234

    2. CP team orange


    4. Yep

  89. Samlilly




  90. 1. What is your Club Penguin username? korinna901

    2. Have you been in any other Club Penguin armies? If so, what army/ies yes RT(Ranger Troops) ACP(Army Of Club Penguin) DCP
    (Doritos of Club Penguin) BW (Bacon Warriors)

    RT Highest mod ACP Warrent officer DCP highest member BW leader

    3. If you answered yes to the previous question, what was or is your rank in that army?

    4. Will you stay active and loyal to the United Ghost Army, check this website regularly, and attend as many battles as possible? yes yes yes

    5. How did you find out about our army? ACP Chat linked this site

  91. Hi, i am setting up a new army, the LGA (Lady Gaga Army) i was wondering if you, the UGA would become allies with the LGA?
    go to my site to tell me ur answer


  92. 1.What is your username
    2.Have you been in other armies?If so,what army/ies?
    3.If you ansewered to the previous, what was or is your rank in that army?
    4.Will you stay active and loyal to the united ghost army,check this website regurlary,and atend as much battles as you can?
    5.How did you find out our army?
    serched google

  93. jake1867
    yes ACP
    yes yes and yes
    ACP had it linked

  94. Crayzay Piez, Yes, DW, I never got my rank, Yes yes and yes, and I found out about UGA because i love ghosts and i wanted to join an army

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