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  • UGA Memorial

    This site was once home to a great army, the United Ghost Army. We had many great battles, and even beat WW in a PB O.O when we were just a medium army. Special thanks goes to all the leaders, Token29, Wiggle Nn, A Dawg4, Saiyaman Xc and Flipper7706. We have now merged to create GT, Golden Troops - the second largest army in Club Penguin. Thank you, for all the memories, and good luck to you in the future.
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About UGA

About GW:

Well GW was created as UGA on June 16th 2009. The leaders/creators were Token29, Wiggle Nn and A Dawg4. The army had been made up of 3 different ghost armies. UGA Stands for United Ghost Armies, but we had a name change later on. The first retirement to happen in UGA/GW was Maxthepen’s but he later re-joined on 17th August 2009. SS (Silver Surfers) Merged  into UGA/GW and Saiyaman Xc Became the 4th leader of of UGA/GW following the merge. Later Penor343 retired, (2IC) and then Token29 retired following the retirement. After that a conflict arose, between Juneau2 and A Dawg4. This meant A Dawg4, quitted UGA/GW and left a leader spot open. Elections came after the quitting of A Dawg4, and Flipper7706 took his place as leader. After a week or so, UGA/GW decided to change their name. GW (Ghost Warriors) was chosen and now we stand tall as GW. We then merged to create GW (Golden Warriors) Then we merged again, and are now GT – The second largest army in Club Penguin.

26 Responses

  1. Think the coulours are too bright? I will change them if you want?

  2. Shall i delete the about flipper and about adawg4 page then?

  3. And Wiggle if you want to write something about urself feel free!

  4. We are a pretty good team!

    • ikr! just a few more active ppl and we can DESTRROY ANYONE xD so yh after this active post were gunna destroy!

  5. well your taking a lot of asking there, it usually takes me to sunday 🙂

  6. ill try but my throat is only 1 millimetre wide 😐

  7. oh ok , tht helps lol



  10. 8)

  11. 8) <—————— thes new smilies suck! LOL

  12. 4 people online?

  13. guys i have got a idea,,, it will work out huge but flipz if you want this army to get big then you’ve gotta listen to me mate,,, uma are dying ok its true,,, they’ve got about 15 active soldiers left,,, if that,,, basicly ive been talking to nakib and i have to ask you one thing,,, because uma are in need he asked if i could ask you if we could possibly merge,,, ive thought of a name and uniforms can be sorted out quickly, basicly this will add atleast 1-15 more soldiers to the army,,, the possible name could be UGMA, United Ghost Mafias Army, if this merge happens it could be huge,,, it would spread around cp and we would be in the top ten biggest armies,,, also if we merge some of the uma soldiers might becom more active and work out,,,, this could be huge,,, and colosal,,, but im gonna need your trust,,, like i said if this happens its gonna be a great opportunity for us,,, to be more well known aswell,,, but its up to you…


  14. theyve actually got 32 active soldiers,,, guys for this your gonna need to talk to nakib,,, go on our chat at 11am PST (7pm uk) to talk about it 😀

  15. Hey we would like to be allies and also have a Practise battle with you ASAP our site is http://tagparmycp.wordpress.com we are The Army of great penguins please comment on our site for the times that suit you

  16. All the comments above were when UGA had once thrived in the Army communty, We have now merged. http://xat.com/thegt is our chat and http://gwarmy.com/ is our site. Help us become the largest army in Club Penguin! All the below comments will be memorial comments.

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